Singing Guide: Christmas Holiday

Singing Guide: Christmas Holiday

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like a Christmas icon, look no further than the queen of Christmas herself, Mariah Carey! Her signature high notes and impressive vocal range have made her a legend in the music industry. In this article, we will explore Mariah Carey's unique vocal techniques and the songs that showcase them.

One of Mariah Carey's unique techniques is her use of whistle tones, which are extremely high notes that are produced with a pure and breathy sound. Her hit song "Emotions" is a perfect example of her use of whistle tones, with the chorus featuring multiple notes that stretch into the whistle register. To learn how to produce whistle tones like Mariah Carey, you can try Singing Carrots' Vocal range test to determine your upper range and pitch accuracy test for accuracy training.

Another technique that Mariah Carey utilizes is her use of melisma, which is the ability to sing multiple notes on a single syllable. This technique can be heard in her iconic song "Vision of Love," which features several instances of melisma throughout the song. To learn how to perform melisma like Mariah Carey, you can check out Singing Carrots' vocal training exercises that focus on agility and range.

Mariah Carey's impressive vocal range, which spans five full octaves, is also one of her signature techniques. Her hit song "All I Want for Christmas Is You" showcases her use of her full vocal range to great effect. To expand your vocal range, Singing Carrots' pitch training program offers a variety of vocal exercises aimed at developing and strengthening your vocal range.

In addition to these specific techniques, Mariah Carey also emphasizes connecting emotionally with the songs she sings. To effectively deliver a song with emotion, it's important to have a solid understanding of the lyrics, as well as to practice projecting emotions through your singing. Singing Carrots' song search offers an extensive library of songs that you can practice connecting with and developing your emotional range.

In summary, learning how to sing like Mariah Carey involves practice and dedication to mastering her signature techniques, such as whistle tones, melisma, and a wide vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources, such as vocal training exercises and song analysis tools, that can help you along the way to becoming a singing superstar.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.